Pedal into your cyclist's heart this holiday season with any of these gifts!
Tired of the planks and crunches? It is time to break up those old training routines and start fresh. These exercise will give triathletes some var...
Are you ready to take the big step up to Olympic-distance triathlons? If a sprint tri got you hooked, here's how to approach the training you need ...
If you're serious about a PR at your next sprint triathlon, these eight workouts are intense enough to get you there.
Are you looking to increase your power and endurance? Get out of the water and try these two workouts to improve your swimming performance.
Are you really ready to commit to the training time an Ironman race demands? Take this quiz to find out.
Wide wheels are starting to gain traction among triathletes. Here's an in-depth look at a new wheel line by Easton that could be ideal for age-grou...
Building up your swimming fitness isn't a full-time job. Here's how to make sure you're ready for the first leg of the triathlon in just two hours ...
In the world of triathlon, there's plenty of variety. This year, mix up your race season by trying a triathlon that offers a different format or is...