A ground-breaking trail running shoe that blends comfort and performance, from 10-kilometer runs to 100-mile ultra-trails.
Alexi shares her experiences with a hamstring injury and some of the strategies she used to heal herself quickly, maintain her mental sanity and co...
Learning how to run a faster 5K is not only possible but downright easy with these three workouts.
Marathon season will be back again before you know it. Find the ideal 26.2 for you.
From always eating a Snickers bar the day before to wearing the same earrings for every race, here are 12 quirky rituals from pros and recreational...
Travel for the race, stay for an extended vacation. These destination races are high on our list for great weather, views and landscapes.
From an American winning Boston to a Kenyan crushing the world record—and everything in between—2018 was a year for the record books.
Every situation is unique, but if you follow a few simple guidelines, your return to running can be frustration free.
Too often runners who are base training fail to do any type of work to remind the body how to change gears and engage different muscle fiber.