Beginner-Advanced Stained-Glass Workshops
Howard County Recreation and Parks 7120 Oakland Mills Rd Columbia, MD 21046 Organized by Howard County GovernmentAbout this event
We're sorry, but this activity is over. The last meeting was Tuesday, September 10, 2024.
Make a 6-8-piece-stained glass window hanging using the copper foil
technique. Beginners: Emphasis is placed on learning the skills neededto score and break glass, foil and solder the pieces into a window hanging.This workshop focuses on straight-line cuts and work from patterns suchas snowflakes, stars and Mondrian squares. Intermediate: Learn to cutcurves in this intermediate workshop. Emphasis is on techniques to score,break, and foil more complex shapes. Patterns contain curved lines, such asflowers, birds and seasonal designs. Cutting and foiling skills are improvedwith more challenging shapes. It is recommended to take both the beginnerand intermediate workshops; however, it is not required. Completing oneworkshop is a prerequisite to the Stained-Glass Craft and Design Class.Advanced: Must have completed the Stained-Glass Craft and Design Class.Create a spinner piece in the December 10 class!Info: Tessa Hurd, 410-313-7311 or
Beginner-Advanced Stained-Glass Workshops #RP3536.100