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June 30 - July 11, 2025


Wow Science Wilmington • 201 Bayard Ave WilmingtonDE  19805 Organized by Wow Science

About this event

At the end of this session, we anticipate that even Sherlock Holmes will be proud of the problems that our young sleuths will be able to solve. This beginner (Junior Camp), Intermediate (Main Camp) and Mastery (Teen Camp) series is all about harnessing different aspects of science to solve crimes. In the activity-rich introductory section, campers will examine their own fingerprints for arches, loops, and whorls. They will practice lifting latent fingerprints for observation. They will study splash patterns and inherited traits. In exploring basic chromatography, they will experiment with different ingredients and hues to make the same color. Our Main and Teen Campers will proceed to learn how to analyze fiber (e.g., hair), body fluid (using synthetic blood) and footprints, all of which could be present at a crime scene. And then, the real fun begins – they will apply knowledge of all the basics they have learned to solve crimes! Week 3 Field Trip: Friday, July 4 CLOSED no camp Week 4 Field Trip: Friday, July 11. Destination to be announced Eligible: K-8 *Early bird discount applied until March 1. 25% off Through January 31st. 10 % off discount from February through March 1st.


June 30 - July 11, 2025

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

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Wow Science Wilmington

201 Bayard Ave WilmingtonDE  19805

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Price (Includes Required 60 for a Field Trips)

in 5 days $607.00


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