Forget the gym membership and fancy fitness accessories. Sometimes, all you need is 30 minutes and some space.
Note: The following exercises should be done as a Tabata workout. Perform each exercise for a total of four minutes, alternating between 20 seconds of high intensity and 10 seconds of rest.
1. Burpee
1 of 91. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Drop down to the bottom of a push-up position.
3. Push back up and jump into the bottom of a squat position.
4. Explode into the air and reach your arms overhead to complete one rep.
5. Once you land, go right into the next rep.
Targets: Glutes, quads, chest (cardio blast)
2. Squat
2 of 91. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes slightly pointed out.
2. Perform standard squats, one rep after the other.
3. Focus on maintaining a flat back and not allowing your knees to cave in throughout the movement.
Targets: Glutes
3. Lateral Slide
3 of 91. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent.
2. Shuffle to your left, reaching down to touch the floor with your left hand.
3. Quickly shuffle and jump to your right, reaching to touch the floor with your right hand.
4. Continue sliding laterally, alternating sides.
Targets: Glutes, quads, hips (cardio blast)
4. Reverse Lunge
4 of 91. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Step one foot directly behind your body.
3. Bend both knees to drop into a single-leg squat position. Your back leg should end just a few inches above the ground.
4. Return to the starting position and alternate legs.
Targets: Glutes, quads
5. Mountain Climber
5 of 91. Begin in a starting plank position on your hands and feet.
2. Keeping your arms straight, alternate bending your knees and bringing them forward as close to your hands as possible.
3. Focus on maintaining a flat back throughout the movement.
Note: The above demonstration is tailored for beginners. To increase the intensity, pick up the speed and jump your feet forward as you alternate legs.
Targets: Core, shoulders
6. Scissor Kick
6 of 91. Lie on your back with your hands underneath your butt.
2. Keeping your legs straight, lift your feet approximately six inches off the floor.
3. Kick your legs out to the sides and return them back to the center. Continue this pattern.
4. Focus on keeping your legs straight throughout the movement.
Note: The above demonstration is tailored for beginners. To increase the intensity, place your hands on your chest or by your side, and alternate kicking your feet above and slightly across one another.
Targets: Core, hip flexors
7. Spiderman
7 of 91. Begin in the bottom of a push-up position slightly off the ground.
2. Alternate bending your knees and bringing them outward as close to your elbows as possible.
3. Focus on maintaining a flat back throughout the movement and avoid letting your knees touch the ground.
Targets: Core, obliques, chest
Workout Summary
8 of 9Remember that Tabata is a form of high-intensity training, meaning you do more work in less time. To get the most out of this workout, make sure to perform each move at 100 percent effort.
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