Try Something New: Join an Outrigger Canoe Club

Fulfill Your Love of Water and the Outdoors

Outrigger canoes originated in ancient Polynesia and Southeast Asia but the Hawaiians are credited for turning them into sport (it's now Hawaii's state sport). Even though racing takes focus and discipline, the beauty is that no matter where you practice or compete, you're on open water, in nature, under the sky.

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Teams travel the area to events and even go so far as to enter events in Hawaii or Australia. The views of scenery and wildlife are hard to beat. One- to six-person boats exist as do a variety of paddling roles, depending on how many people are racing in your boat.

Newbies Welcome

Outrigger canoe racing is accessible to anyone with any level of experience (or lack thereof). You don't need to be a seasoned waterperson to dive into this world—but you will become one, right quick. And although it may not be the kind of sport you're accustomed to, it takes a great deal of athleticism, stamina, strength and focus.

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About the Author

Christina Scannapiego

Christina Scannapiego is the Outdoors editor for She?loves yoga?and is fanatical about getting her?endorphins pumping outside.
Christina Scannapiego is the Outdoors editor for She?loves yoga?and is fanatical about getting her?endorphins pumping outside.

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