The 3 Best Times to Load Up on Protein

This has been shown in a number of studies, including a recent one by researchers at the University of Tasmania, Australia. Ten competitive cyclists participated as subjects. Each of them was asked to complete a 2.5-hour ride in the morning while drinking either a carbohydrate-protein sports drink or a carbohydrate sports drinks with equal calories. This session was followed up four hours later with an all-out time trial. On a separate occasion the two rides were repeated, but this time the drinks were switched.

The authors of the study reported that the cyclists had lower markers of muscle damage and inflammation after the ride in which they drank the carb-protein sports drink and, as a direct result, they performed 1.8 percent better on average in the subsequent time trial.

Note that a little protein goes a long way during exercise and more than a little is sure to cause GI problems. The carb-protein sports drink Accelerade supplies 5 grams of protein per 12 ounces, which is ideal.

More: Which Protein Sources Are Right For You?

Protein Late in The Day

Although your diet should generally be high in carbohydrate and moderate in fat and protein, your macronutrient needs actually shift throughout the day. The morning is when you need the most carbohydrate to replenish liver glycogen stores that have been depleted during the night and to supply immediate energy for the most active part of the day.

In the evening, the body switches hormonally from an activity mode to a repair-and-regenerate mode. Taking in more protein in this part of the day will allow you to take full advantage of this switch. A 2012 study by Dutch researchers found that a high-protein snack consumed at bedtime after strenuous exercise increased overnight muscle protein synthesis.

Protein in the Offseason

In addition to the two times of day when protein intake should spike—during and immediately after workouts and in the evening—there is one time of year when it's a good idea to eat more protein: during breaks between race-focused training cycles.

More: 3 Keys to Your Offseason Diet

Specifically, I recommend that endurance athletes set aside a period of four to eight weeks immediately preceding the start of a new training cycle to focus on shedding excess body fat and getting a quick start back toward their ideal racing weight. Within this period you should consume 300 to 500 fewer calories per day than your body burns and at the same time increase your protein intake to as much as 30 percent of your total calories.

There are two benefits to doing the latter. First, research has shown that high levels of protein intake sharply reduce hunger during periods when a person is eating fewer calories than his or her body is using. Second, a high-protein diet has been shown to reduce muscle loss and increase fat loss during periods of caloric deficit, especially when combined with strength training.

This period of high protein intake should last only until the formal start of your next race-focused training cycle. Then it's time to prioritize carbohydrate once again to meet the elevated energy needs of your body during intensive training.

More: How Much Protein You Need and Other Facts

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About the Author

Matt Fitzgerald

Matt Fitzgerald is a certified sports nutritionist, endurance coach, and author. His many books include Racing Weight and The New Rules of Marathon and Half-Marathon Nutrition. Matt's writing also appears regularly on, in Women's Running, and elsewhere. He has served as a consultant to several sports nutrition companies, as a peer reviewer for scientific journals, and as a nutrition advisor to professional runners and triathletes. Matt also provides nutrition counseling services to athletes of all experience and ability levels through A lifelong athlete himself, he speaks frequently at events throughout the United States and internationally. Learn more at
Matt Fitzgerald is a certified sports nutritionist, endurance coach, and author. His many books include Racing Weight and The New Rules of Marathon and Half-Marathon Nutrition. Matt's writing also appears regularly on, in Women's Running, and elsewhere. He has served as a consultant to several sports nutrition companies, as a peer reviewer for scientific journals, and as a nutrition advisor to professional runners and triathletes. Matt also provides nutrition counseling services to athletes of all experience and ability levels through A lifelong athlete himself, he speaks frequently at events throughout the United States and internationally. Learn more at

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