The Runner's Recovery Smoothie


We all have our favorite routines and running recovery strategies, but I think you'll agree that none taste better than this one. After running, our bodies crave protein and carbohydrates. In fact, protein increases the rate of muscle-building if taken immediately after a run, so don't miss out on an opportunity to get the most out of your training.

Here's how I feed my muscles and jump on the road to recovery using fresh ingredients that boost recovery, reduce inflammation and ward off injury. 

Each piece of this delicious puzzle is a running super food.

The Runner's Recovery Smoothie


1 banana
1 scoop whey protein powder
3/4 cup frozen whole tart cherries
1/2 cup vanilla almond milk


Combine all ingredients and blend. Enjoy!

Recovery Smoothie 2 620 2

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About the Author

Jason Saltmarsh

Jason Saltmarsh is an RRCA Certified Distance Running Coach and marathon runner who has been writing about health and fitness since 2012. His work has appeared in Runner’s World and Club Running, and on many popular running websites. He is a regular contributor to and the Huffington Post and recently published his first book, Marathon Running: A Complete Guide for Beginners. Learn more at
Jason Saltmarsh is an RRCA Certified Distance Running Coach and marathon runner who has been writing about health and fitness since 2012. His work has appeared in Runner’s World and Club Running, and on many popular running websites. He is a regular contributor to and the Huffington Post and recently published his first book, Marathon Running: A Complete Guide for Beginners. Learn more at

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