How World Cup Players Maintain Their Energy

If you watched the Women's World Cup, you couldn't have helped but see nutrition in action and marvel at the strength, power, and stamina of the talented women. In some cases, they played for 90 minutes, followed by another 30 minutes of overtime. Talk about the importance of sports nutrition in supporting that effort!

There's no question that soccer (like most team sports) is a "nutrition sport." That is, soccer players need to eat well to get the most from their game time efforts.

They have to:

  • Show up at practices and games well-hydrated and well-fueled
  • Have carbs and fluids readily available during halftime to boost their dwindling stores.
  • Be prepared to play an additional half-hour if the game is tied.

You can't do all that on a hit or miss sports diet.

I happen to know these ladies fuel their bodies well because many of them shared their nutrition tips for success in Food Guide for Soccer: Tips and Recipes From the Pros. You can even find yummy date bars that Abby Wambach enjoys. And could you have guessed that one of Homare Sawa's favorite foods is sushi?

The helpful food tips from the nations' top soccer players make the book that not just interesting to read but is also helpful on the field, after the game, and when eating on the road.

Read more tips like these in "Food Guide for Soccer--Tips & Recipes From the Pros" by Gloria Averbuch and Nancy Clark, RD. The book addresses nutrition questions and concerns of soccer athletes of all ages, and offers almost 50 recipes from players in Women's Professional Soccer. Find the book at or at

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