7 Ways to Get Motivated

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, women are 30 percent less active during the winter months, but summer is now upon us and it's time to get active again.

After months of slacking, it is easy for the motivation to be lacking as well. Here are a few easy ways to boost your motivation and get back into the swing of achieving those fitness goals that were set aside for the chilly, long months of winter.

You know you have got it in you. All you need is a little boost to get back on track. Here's how:

Sign Up for a Race or Activity

It is so much easier to skip boot camp or a workout if you have nothing to work towards. To avoid this, get a group of friends together and sign up for a fitness activity. Especially if you live somewhere like San Diego, there are always marathons or fun activities to do. Sign up for one and you will automatically have something to work towards.

Set Incentives

If you skip out on a run, don't be afraid to punish yourself. After all, you are your own worst critic so be tough when it comes to your health and fitness.

Log Your Workouts

There is no cheating and when there is nothing to log, you know it's time to get back in the swing of things. However if there are things to log, you get to be the first to see the progress and that is when a reward is in need.

Take a Class

Sign up for fun activities that motivate you to stay in shape. Check out local fitness classes, challenge yourself to try a new workout, or take on a new fitness hobby.

Pair Up

Get a fitness partner or a group together and hold one another responsible for reaching your goals. There is a lot of support and motivation that can really help you accomplish your goals just by having a buddy accompany you along the journey.

Remember Why You Set Your Goals

Scare yourself into working out with more intensity. Remind yourself of what you looked like at a time when you were unhappy or not confident with your body. By keeping this in mind, you will work harder to avoid being back in that place.

Love What you Do

What are your favorite workouts? Figure it out and working out won't be such a chore. Now that summer is here, take these tips and get back into the fitness grind. All it takes is that little extra push to get started and before you know it, you will be on your way to accomplishing anything you set your mind to.

Take these tips and get back into the fitness grind. All it takes is that little extra push to get started and before you know it, you will be on your way to accomplishing anything you set your mind to.

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Jaylin Allen is an expert Fitness Trainer in San Diego with over 12 years experience. Her company, Bootique FItness is known as the solution for women's fitness as they get their clients into great shape in record time through personal training, zumba, nutrition and women boot camps in San Diego. Check out her site bootiquefitness.com or call 619.602.8087.

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