5 Fun Ways to Exercise Outside

If you have been going to the gym and have achieved a fitness level you feel comfortable with, you could potentially be facing a plateau. Stir things up by heading to your backyard, streets or park.

Not only does an outdoor workout help break up the monotony of the gym, it also gives you a more natural space to perform your exercise routines.

Here is a list of five fun ways to exercise when you take your fitness plan outdoors:

MoreOutdoor Exercise: 8 Reasons to Take Your Workout Routine Outside


If you have gotten used to running on a treadmill, you are missing out on the added benefits that trail and street running provide. Studies show the lack of air resistance in a gym results in burning less energy than on an outdoor run of the same distance.

When taking your running plan outside, try to map a route that incorporates flat, uphill, and downhill segments to stimulate as many muscles as possible.


If you're not into running, but still want a great cardiovascular workout, try hiking through a state or county park. If you live within driving distance to many parks, it is possible to schedule a different hike for each day so you do not get used to the same trails.

More5 Reasons to Take a Hike


Indoor rowing at the gym is a great way to tone your shoulders and back. Performing the same motions in a kayak, or a vessel designed for rowing, is an even better way to get a variety of motions to those muscle groups while enjoying a natural river, bay or lake.


Kettlebells provide resistance and cardiovascular workouts simultaneously and are very portable. Simply set up a place to practice in the park and swing away.

More22 Butt-Kicking Kettlebell Moves

Rock Climbing

If you're lucky enough to live near large rock formations, it is easy to find people who are dedicated to outdoor fitness through rock climbing. By practicing this exercise you will develop your upper-body strength and grip, and challenge your mind.

MoreThe Diet Detective: Different Ways to Burn Calories and Stay Active

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Exercise.com is dedicated to help you improve your health and get in shape with the right diet and exercise. Now's the time to get started...and get results.
Exercise.com is dedicated to help you improve your health and get in shape with the right diet and exercise. Now's the time to get started...and get results.

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