Next to refining your technique, swim-specific strength training is the best way for amateurs to take their swim to the next level. This helps triathlon age-groupers to advance far more quickly than they would have time to if they were only trying to put in more laps at the pool.
Tools like the Vasa Swim Ergometer and Halo Swim System are great for more targeted training, but an athlete can also get in a great swim workout with a more simple approach.
At the Playtri Performance Center in Dallas, Texas (a USA Triathlon Performance Center), head coach and former Olympic swimmer Ahmed Zaher has spent countless hours with athletes, and the rest of the Playtri coaches, developing strength training that really work for improving athletes' swim times.
Work the following routine into your strength training if you are ready to ramp up your swim fitness.
Do this routine as part of your normal strength training. Try to give yourself as little time as possible between each exercise to apply the most effective stress to the muscle groups. Repeat 2 to 4 times.