Why You Need to Warm-Up Before Running

Distance runners often require a comparable warm-up in terms of time, but may include different types of drills.

Regardless of the type of running you'll be doing, dynamic drills are one of the most effective warm-up methods. Research demonstrates that a dynamic warm-up not only increases overall flexibility, but also improves running performance. Conversely, more traditional static stretching has been shown to be detrimental to a runner when performed prior to competition.

"For all athletes I coach, I have them do a dynamic warm-up and strides in addition to jogging," says Weisse.

More: Power Moves for Running Strength 

An Ideal Warm Up for Runs of Any Distance

For athletes running anything between a mile and a marathon, the best bet is to start the warm-up with some easy jogging, then move on to dynamic drills and strides. While it can depend on the athlete and the workout itself, give these basic dynamic moves a try next time you're prepping for a hard workout. All that is needed is 20 meters of real estate and a bit of focus to get the movements right.

More: Weak Hips? Do These Moves Before You Run 

1. Butt Kicks: Moving forward in a straight line, alternate picking your feet off the ground and kicking your butt with your heels. Focus on executing that movement at a high cadence, rather than moving forward at any particular speed.

2. High Knees: Similar to butt kicks, you'll want to maintain a fast cadence as you alternate between bringing your knees up towards your chest. Hold your arms at your side the same way you would if you were running, and work on popping up each knee with force and fluidity.

3. High Skips: These are just like the skipping you did when you were a kid, except they are slightly exaggerated. Focus on getting off the ground and driving your knee upward with each skip. Simultaneously drive your opposite arm forward and up to support this movement.

4. Frankenstein: With your arms outstretched in front of your body like Frankenstein, alternate between kicking each leg up, aiming your toes at your palms, and keeping your legs straight. Like a toy soldier, keep your toes pointed upward as you kick.

5. Walking Lunges: Step forward and slowly lower your body to form 90-degree angles with both your front leg and your trail leg. Be cognizant of keeping the knee of your front leg aligned with your ankle, instead of over or in front of your toes. Purposefully raise your body back up, and alternate sides.

6. Leg Swings: Using a fence or wall for balance, swing your right leg forward, keeping it straight, and then swing it backward. Work to bring the leg up and back as far as is comfortable. Do 10 swings, and switch sides. Next, try swinging your leg across your body and back. As range of motion improves, you'll be able to swing farther in all directions.

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