Things Only Girls Who Sweat a Lot Understand

We're obviously big fans of a good sweat session while working out at the gym. But some of us are just prone to sweating more (and doesn't it suck to show up to work or a date completely drenched?).

Now that it's summer, it's even more of a struggle to walk into the office without looking like you just ran a 10K. We feel you. That's why we've compiled this list of things that all ladies who perspire profusely can relate to. #SweatyGirlsUnite!

1. You Have to Stand Perfectly Still So Your Shirt Won't Touch Your Skin

Otherwise you'd be left with major sweat stains, which are (A) super embarrassing and (B) actually really hard to get out in the laundry.

2. You Grab Extra Napkins at the Coffee Shop to Wipe Your Shiny Face

You heard that Starbucks napkins are surprisingly good at absorbing oil, so you make sure to grab an extra two (or 10) every morning before work for blotting purposes.

3. You've Fully Embraced the Slicked-Back Look

That wet-looking, gel-heavy heavy hairdo thing is super fashion-y, right? Okay, good, that's definitely what's going on with your ponytail. It's totally on purpose!

4. You Always Wonder Why You Even Bother Putting on Makeup

No matter how much that primer cost, it won't keep your foundation on after 10 minutes in high humidity. The "au naturel" look is your summertime signature.

More from Women's Health: Six Tips For Sweat-Proofing Your Makeup

5. You Get Stressed Out By Handshakes

You've devoted way too much brain power trying to convince yourself that, no, he couldn't feel how sweaty your palm was (even though he probably could).

6. You Frequently Get Asked if You Just Worked Out When You Definitely Did Not

"It's so great that you made time to go to the gym before work!" Um...sure.

More: Charge Your Phone With Your Own Sweat

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Women's Health

Lively, fun and provocative, the Women's Health brand addresses 360 degrees of life for the new generation of contemporary, confident, ambitious women. By connecting with our readers in the frank, irreverent voice of a trusted girlfriend, the clever, service-driven content transcends the title, making the brand a true one-stop lifestyle resource for millions of women who are making their mark.
Lively, fun and provocative, the Women's Health brand addresses 360 degrees of life for the new generation of contemporary, confident, ambitious women. By connecting with our readers in the frank, irreverent voice of a trusted girlfriend, the clever, service-driven content transcends the title, making the brand a true one-stop lifestyle resource for millions of women who are making their mark.

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