Of course everyone runs for various reasons. Maybe you want to fit into your skinny jeans, lose baby fat, seek a new adventure or PR at your next race. No matter if you're a marathon diva or mommy stroller; find out what kind of runner you are and determine the best race that fits your personality.
What kind of runner are you?
1) What's your pre-run routine?
A) Sip on coffee, take care of the kids and chat on the phone.B) Take a shower, put on make-up and blow dry your hair. Hey you never know who you might "run" into.
C) Make a protein shake or light meal.
D) Throw your hair into a ponytail, put on a little deodorant and head out the door.
E) Pack your Patagonia backpack full of granola and gear.
2) What do you typically wear?
A) Same thing over and over. Who has time to worry about that?B) Clothes that are five years old and torn
C) Trendy and brand name only
D) The latest and greatest running tech gear
E) Patagonia or North Face all the way
3) Who do you run with?
A) Running partner or groupB) Your dog
C) Solo
D) Changes all the time, don't really care
E) The earth below your feet
4) Where do you run?
A) CommunityB) Beach
C) Treadmill
D) Don't care—as long as I get miles in, I am happy.
E) Trails
5) What do you eat or drink after a run?
A) Don't care; you just need something light to eat. Maybe you snack on bread or fruit.B) Beer
C) Chocolate milk
D) Recovery drink or bar
E) Organic green smoothie
6) How many miles do you log per run?
A) 1 to 3B) 4 to 6
C) 7 to 9
D) 10 +
E) Don't know, don't care
- A = 1 point
- B = 2 points
- C = 3 points
- D = 4 points
- E = 5 points
Total your points together and see what type of runner you are with the chart.
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