Are You Committing These 11 Cycling Faux Pas?

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Road cycling has an unspoken set of fashion cues—read on to learn if you’re in the wrong.
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Your bike shorts and bibs have a built-in chamois that protects your nether regions from the punishment of your bike seat. Wearing underwear under your cycling shorts is not only unsanitary, but it may result in some gnarly chaffing.
Sunglasses Under Helmet Straps
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Step 1: Put your helmet on and buckle the strap. Step 2: Put your sunglasses on, with the arms over your helmet strap by your ears. Don't be a Fred; it's that easy.
Hairy Legs
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Should you shave your legs? This is has been a point of discussion on group rides since the beginning of time. If you're riding a commuter bike, no. If you're out dropping the hammer on your friends, yes. It's really a badge of honor.
Loose Saddle Bag
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If you absolutely have to have a saddle bag, make sure it's attached securely and the contents are packed nicely. There's nothing more annoying to your fellow cyclists than hearing your CO2 cartridges jangle around for 60 miles.
Loose Helmet
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Not only do you look dumb with your chinstrap hanging two inches under your chin and your helmet leaning towards the back of your head, but it's also dangerous. Remember kids, safety is sexy—find one that fits properly and wear it.
Sleeveless Jerseys
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There's a big difference between cyclists and triathletes—sleeves (oh yeah, and that running and swimming nonsense, too). Unless it's 500 degrees out, have some self-respect and wear a jersey with sleeves. Cyclists don't have guns, so cover up those toothpicks.
Ankle Socks
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The top of your socks should land just below your calves—not down by your ankle. Going sans-socks is especially atrocious.
Worn out Bibs
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It's a bummer, but your $300 pair of bib shorts has a shelf life. If you bend over and the rear end is getting barren and see-through, it's time to retire them (or save for solo indoor trainer spins). Your cycling buddies don't want to draft behind that.
Plumber's Crack
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What's the easiest way to solve the dreaded plumber's crack? Ditch the cycling shorts and have an exclusive relationship with bib shorts. Not only are they more comfortable, but you'll never deal with that back gap again—no matter how short your jersey is.
Bib Straps over Jerseys
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Pro Tip No. 1: Bib straps ALWAYS go under your jersey. You aren't a lumberjack; you're a cyclist. #pinkiesup
Wearing Your Cycling Cap off the Bike
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Cycling caps are perfectly acceptable when out on a ride (under your helmet of course), but if you're in street clothes, leave your cycling cap at home. Nobody knows what it is, and nobody cares you just rode—you just look weird in average social situations.
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