Chickadee Camp Entering Kindergarten* Mondays - Fridays, 8:45 am - 1 pm Session 1: June 30 – July 3rd (one week) (no camp on July 4th) Session 2: July 7 – July 18 (two weeks) Session 3: July 21 – July 25 (one week) Session 4: July 28 – August 8 (two weeks) Session 5: August 11 – August 15 (one week) Fees for Session 1: Tier A $320; Tier B $280; Tier C $250 (no camp on July 4th) Fees for Sessions 3 and 5: Tier A $400; Tier B $350; Tier C $315 Fees for Session 2 and 4: Tier A $800; Tier B $700; Tier C $630 The Chickadee program is a safe, nurturing first outdoor day camp experience for young ones. Attentive and loving counselors facilitate safe and curious exploration of the Discovery Yard and Hitchcock trails while sharing enthusiasm and joyful nature connection. Our “Nest” (the gazebo) and pollinator gardens are our home base. Each day has a specific nature theme and includes free play, morning circle, snack time, songs, stories, lunchtime, chores, and games. Sand kitchen play and sprinkler time are also part of each day! Our goals for our Chickadees are to use all their senses to explore nature, to feel comfortable and safe learning and playing outdoors, and to be part of a caring and respectful group. Space is limited to 10 campers per session. *Chickadee Camp is primarily for rising Kindergartners (children entering Kindergarten in fall 2024), but parents are welcome to sign up their developmentally younger or less outgoing rising first graders as well. Children must be five years old by September 1, 2025 and entering Kindergarten in fall 2025 to be eligible to participate. As with the rest of Hitchcock summer camp, campers are limited to a maximum of two sessions per summer. This camp runs from 8:45am to 1:00 pm.
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