Ecoprinting on Leather with Theresa Brown
Waterford Craft School - John Wesley Church 40125 Bond St. Waterford, VA 20197 Organized by Waterford Craft SchoolAbout this event
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Although we will collect leaves outside prior to class, students should bring additional leaves outside prior to class, students should bring additional leaves from their area with emphasis on high tannin leaves such as oak, maples, rose, blackberry, hickory, sumac and interesting weeds. Fun additional plants (usually store bought) are eucalyptus and colorful flowers such as daisy type flowers. No thick plants. Students will also need to bring 1 roll of paper towels. Price of class includes materials fee. Theresa Brown M Theresa Brown is a professional artist whose long art career embraces many areas of the Arts. She uses natural dyes and low impact synthetic dyes and merges them into unique, beautiful designs on silk, wool, paper and leather. She turns her transformed work into artisanal clothing, accessories, and art.