Governor's Cup 25K Skate Race
Devil's Thumb Ranch • 3530 County Road 83 Tabernash, CO 80478 Organized by Devil's Thumb RanchAbout this event
Devil's Thumb Ranch is thrilled to bring back the Governor's Cup 25K Skate-only cross country ski race. The event will start and finish at Devil’s Thumb Ranch Resort & Spa. An end of race celebration will be located at the Broad Axe Barn with food and beer.
Event details and schedule
Registration closes at 12:00 pm on February 1st, 2025.
After 12:00pm on January 19th, 2024 prices will increase (HS Student has a flat rate):
- 25k Classic Ski Race: $70 to $85, High School Student $45
*Price increase does not apply to high school student registration
*Online registration closes 12:00PM February 1st , 2024
Event Categories:
25K Skate Race
Locations and Transportation:
All events will start and finish at Devil's Thumb Ranch. Please park all cars in the parking lots located north and west of the main lodge (#1 on our DTR property map). Overflow parking is located at the High Lonesome lodge (#13 on our DTR property map).
Saturday, February 1st
12:00 - 8:00pm: Pre-registration and packet pick-up at Devil's Thumb Ranch in Zach's Mercantile (#5 on our DTR property map).
Sunday February 2nd
8:00am -10:00am: 25km packet pick-up at Devil's Thumb Ranch (Broad Axe Barn #4 on property map)
10:00am: 25k race mass start
11:00am - 3:30pm: After party with food and beer at Broad Axe Barn (#4 on our DTR property map)
12:00pm: Award ceremony (Broad Axe Barn #4 on our DTR property map)
* Registration will close Saturday February 1 at 12:00pm.
*Schedule and price subject to change.
*Day of packet pickup will be in Broad Axe Barn @ Devil’s Thumb Ranch.
*Awards will be given to the top three women and men in the 25k race
*The fastest individuals in the following age groups will receive a prize:
19 & under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 & above
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