Governor's Cup 25K Skate Race
Devil's Thumb Ranch 3530 County Road 83 Tabernash, CO 80478 Organized by Devil's Thumb RanchAbout this event
Devil's Thumb Ranch is thrilled to bring back the Governor's Cup 25K Skate-only cross country ski race. The event will start and finish at Devil’s Thumb Ranch Resort & Spa. An end of race celebration will be located at the Broad Axe Barn with food and beer.
Event details and schedule
Registration closes at 12:00 pm on February 1st, 2025.
After 12:00pm on January 19th, 2024 prices will increase (HS Student has a flat rate):
- 25k Classic Ski Race: $70 to $85, High School Student $45
*Price increase does not apply to high school student registration
*Online registration closes 12:00PM February 1st , 2024
Event Categories:
25K Skate Race
Locations and Transportation:
All events will start and finish at Devil's Thumb Ranch. Please park all cars in the parking lots located north and west of the main lodge (#1 on our DTR property map). Overflow parking is located at the High Lonesome lodge (#13 on our DTR property map).
Saturday, February 1st
12:00 - 8:00pm: Pre-registration and packet pick-up at Devil's Thumb Ranch in Zach's Mercantile (#5 on our DTR property map).
Sunday February 2nd
8:00am -10:00am: 25km packet pick-up at Devil's Thumb Ranch (Broad Axe Barn #4 on property map)
10:00am: 25k race mass start
11:00am - 3:30pm: After party with food and beer at Broad Axe Barn (#4 on our DTR property map)
12:00pm: Award ceremony (Broad Axe Barn #4 on our DTR property map)
* Registration will close Saturday February 1 at 12:00pm.
*Schedule and price subject to change.
*Day of packet pickup will be in Broad Axe Barn @ Devil’s Thumb Ranch.
*Awards will be given to the top three women and men in the 25k race
*The fastest individuals in the following age groups will receive a prize:
19 & under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 & above
1 Photos and Videos