Husky Winter Indoor Triathlon 2025
University of Washington IMA 3924 Montlake Blvd NE Seattle, WA 98195 Organized by Husky Triathlon ClubAbout this event
Welcome to the Husky Winter Indoor Triathlon 2025 at UW presented by the Husky Triathlon Club! We are excited to have the opportunity to share and promote the sport of triathlon with the community.
UW students and faculty that join the Husky Triathlon team at the event get a discounted entry into the event. Email us for more information!
The event will be fully time based: a 15 minute swim, followed by a 30 minute bike, and closed out by a 20 minute run. First wave starts at 10:00 AM!
A points system will be implemented to reward the person that swims, bikes, and runs the furthest over the allotted times. Prizes will be awarded to overall winners in both the Student and Community member division.
The event will be held in the beautiful and modern IMA with its brand new pool on the UW campus, with full access to locker rooms and the lounge. A lap counter will keep track of your laps to be recorded for the final results over the 15 minutes in the pool.
The bike leg will take place on spin bikes inside the IMA. A volunteer will direct you to your bike and record your total distance over the 30 minute bike leg. We are excited to have top of the line spin bikes! The new bikes will allow us to track your distance through your power output.
This year, the run will take place on the outdoor ICA Purple and Gold Track at UW. The number of laps completed during the run will be recorded by a volunteer.
After you are all finished, enjoy the post-race festivities with food and goodies from our sponsors- and be sure to hang around for the awards ceremony.
Raffle prizes to be announced!
Top 3 male and female finishers in the tri will receive individual awards. Overall M/F Duathlete winners will receive prizes as well.
Event details and schedule
Waves of swimmers will start every 30 minutes at the IMA pool. Wave times will be sent out close to race day, but the first leg of swimmers will be started at 10:00 AM.
If you would like to specifically be in a group with certain other athletes, let us know via an email at Huskytri@gmail.com and we can do our best to arrange for you and your family or friends to compete together!
We will be sending out an email a week before the race with all the information you may need, but if you have any questions feel free to email us.
9 Photos and Videos