Senior Potlucks
Bordwell Park/Stratton Community Center 2008 Martin Luther King Blvd. Riverside, CA 92507 Organized by City of Riverside - Parks, Recreation and Community Services DepartmentAbout this event
We're sorry, but online registration is not allowed for this activity. Please contact us at 951-826-2000 during regular business hours for registration information.
Come and join our monthly senior potluck, held on the fourth Tuesday of every month, and be ready to munch. It will be a sensation; a morning of friends and conversation; a real snazzy celebration! Please bring either a main dish, side dish or dessert of your choosing. Bring enough to share!Come and join our monthly senior potluck, held on the fourth Tuesday of every month, and be ready to munch. It will be a sensation; a morning of friends and conversation; a real snazzy celebration! Please bring either a main dish, side dish or dessert of your choosing. Bring enough to share!
Activity Secondary Category
55 and Better
Bordwell Park - Multi Purpose Room at Bordwell Park/Stratton Community Center
City Staff