September 17, 2024 - February 06, 2025
Oil Painting (All Levels)
Milpitas Senior Center 40 N. Milpitas Blvd Milpitas, CA 95035 Organized by City of Milpitas
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About this event
Whether you're new to oil painting or have been painting for years and want to learn new techniques, this class is designed for you. The instructor will teach students how to create a variety of works using oil paints, with a specialty in impressionist landscapes and portraits.Please Note:-The instructor will provide a list of materials needed at the time of enrollment or on the first day of class. -Participants should bring art supplies.
Oil Painting (All Levels) #31308
- Oil Painting (All Levels) - Thursdays AM
- Oil Painting (All Levels) - Thursdays AM
- Oil Painting (All Levels) - Thursdays AM
- Oil Painting (All Levels) - Thursdays PM
- Oil Painting (All Levels) - Thursdays PM
- Oil Painting (All Levels) - Thursdays PM
- Oil Painting (All Levels) - Tuesdays
- Oil Painting (All Levels) - Tuesdays
- Oil Painting (All Levels) - Tuesdays
- Oil Painting Wednesdays
- Oil Painting Wednesdays
- Oil Painting Wednesdays
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Age and Gender
Ages 50-255 · Co-Ed