A Matter of Balance
Milpitas Senior Center • 40 N. Milpitas Blvd Milpitas, CA 95035 Organized by City of MilpitasAbout this event
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Do you have concerns about falling? We have a solution: A Matter of BalanceThis award-winning program aims to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults who have concerns about falls. It is an eight-week, in-person course that lasts for two hours each session, with two trainers leading each week. Classes will utilize role-playing, videos, discussions, problem-solving, and group activities for review. There is 30 minutes of evidence-based exercises, which begins in the third session and continue each week.
Classes Help Participants Learn To:
- Manage fears of falling and effective strategies for preventing falls.
- Set realistic goals to increase physical activity.
- Modify their environment to minimize fall risk factors.
- Encourage exercise to enhance strength and balance.
Designed to Benefit Adults Who:
- Are worried about falling.
- Have experienced a fall in the past.
- Limit their activities due to concerns about falling.
- Want to improve flexibility, balance, and strength.
- Are able to walk independently and solve problems effectively.
Please note: - No class on 3/31
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Barbara Lee Senior Center, 40 N. Milpitas Blvd.
Senior Center Membership
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