Ceramics Surface Decoration w/Kathryn Hiller
Live Oak Park • 1901 Valley Drive Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Organized by City of Manhattan Beach Parks and Recreation DepartmentAbout this event
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Surface Decoration: Greenware Focus with Kathryn Hiller is a 1 day workshop that introduces a wide variety of surface decoration techniques at the greenware stage. Greenware pieces will be provided for student use. Demo of sgraffito, Mishima, and slip-trailing techniques with slip. Demo of marbled slipware application, feathering, slip applied on the wheel, and hakeme brush application techniques. Demo of sodium silicate techniques utilizing hand building and the wheel. Demo of water etching. Demo of stencils and silkscreens with slip and underglaze. Underglaze application techniques including paper resist and watercolor brushwork. Demonstration and student use of underglaze transfer sheets. Prerequisite of recent enrollment in studio classes or currently enrolled in studio classes.
Activity Sub-Category
Arts and Ceramics
LOP Ceramic Studio at Live Oak Park
Kathryn Hillier
Age and Gender
Ceramics Surface Decoration w/Kathryn Hiller
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