Making Strides for Diabetes
Key Park 208 Church Street Lafayette, TN 37083 Organized by Macon County Community Advisory BoardAbout this event
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The Lafayette Lioness Lions Clubs will be hosting Making Strides for Diabetes Walk on
behalf of District 12-S TN Lions Clubs, on September 21, 2024. This event will be a 1
mile and 5K walk/run. Registration for the 1 mile will be $10 and the 5K will be $20. We
will start at 8:00 AM at Key Park. The proceeds are for juvenile diabetes awareness and
to help sponsor kids’ attendance at Camp Sugar Falls. This camp hosts 50 diabetic
campers each June in Antioch TN. Check them out at
resources/get-connected/camp/find-a-camp/camp-sugarfalls .
Event details and schedule
- Registration/Check In beginning at 7:00AM
- Looped course on mostly small gravel with bridge crossings.
- Please arrive no later than 7:45.
- Parking located at 208 Church Street Lafayette, TN 37083.