TBF Summer Cycling Class
MIke's Bikes - Folsom 705 Gold Lake Drive #320 Folsom, CA 95630 Organized by Total Body FitnessAbout this event
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TBF Summer Cycling Class provides twelve-weeks of Coached No-Drop cycling workouts and starts with a FREE Cycling Skills Clinic on Saturday, June 14th.
Event details and schedule
TBF Summer Cycling Class
June 10th - October 18th
The 18-week TBF Summer Cycling Class will help you develop your road bike skills, confidence, enjoyment and camaraderie. This class is for all levels of cyclists.
Class will meet every Sunday for Coached No-Drop rides on scenic country roads. We being our class with a FREE Bicycle Skills Clinic on June 14th at Granite Beach, Folsom Lake and finish on October 18th with the Tour de Lincoln Century ride.
Join us on Wednesday, June 10th for a FREE Tire Repair Clinic start at 7 p.m. at Mike's Bikes - Folsom.
Learn how to ride your bike safely and with TBF Coaches and friendly classmates. Improve your skills, endurance and performance while meeting new friends and enjoying time together on the Bicycle. We will ride on the best roads at all of our meeting locations; Lincoln, Loomis, Folsom, Sacramento and Davis.
Please email: Mark@totalbodyfitness.com with your questions.
June 10 - October 18, 2025
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
TBF Summer Cycling Class - TBF Summer Cycling Class
TBF Summer Cycling Class - Alumni TBF Cycling Class
2 Photos and Videos