Congratulations! We are extremely pleased that your gymnast has decided to sign up for Star-Tastic Academy after being successfully invited to the Academy class named above. Academy 6 December Classes: Tuesday (Rosebery) 5:15 - 68:15 (3rd and 10th). Thursday (Rosebery) 5:30 - 8:30 (5th and 12th). Saturday (Rosebery) 10:00 - 1:00 (7th and 14th). Once registered here, your gymnasts 1st December fees for Star-Tastic Gymnastics will cancelled. If you need to pay the extended trial in instalments, please let us know by emailing All gymnasts accepted into our Star-Tastic Academy must attend a extended trial in December. We wouldn’t wish anyone to be in the incorrect class for their ability and development. Before you sign up and register gymnasts for the Academy we want to ensure that the class assigned to each gymnast is correct. Please note, there is a chance that at the end of the extended trial your gymnast is advised that the Academy pathway is not correct for them and they are recommended back to a recreational gymnastics class. We recommend you manage your gymnasts expectations with regards to this. Only gymnasts who have not successfully passed the extended trial will be emailed by the 20th of December, if you do not receive an email by this date please assume your gymnast has been accepted and will remain in Academy classes in January and beyond. We will organise a Registration Day in January (likely to be the week commencing the 6th or 13th of Jan where you will be able to purchase your gymnast's kit.