Sue Tyler is leading three consecutive workshops on the Art of Drawing. Participants are welcome to register for one session, or all three! Session 3: Perspective and Proportion The final session focuses on relative sizes of shapes within larger subjects and subjects in a given space. We measure sizes and distance using “sighting” techniques. Sighting measures angles and shapes relative to each other. We work on a larger still life or perspective drawing based on observations. Students should bring a notebook or sketchbook, enthusiasm, and desire to improve skills. Beginners are welcome! Teton Arts Members: Don't forget to enter your member discount code at checkout for 20% off this class! If you are not yet a member, you can become a member here: Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel your registration for any reason, we request two weeks' notice to allow us time to fill the spot from our waitlist. All cancellations result in a 6% processing fee.