Spring 2025 Wednesday Coed Volleyball League
Organization Street Address City, CA 11111 Organized by BELLINGHAM PARKS & RECREATIONAbout this event
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Indoor volleyball continues with Women’s & Co-Ed leagues this Spring. Teams will play a 6-match season where champions are determined by final standings.
Matches will tentatively begin week of April 14 based upon the completion of the current Winter seasons. Women’s teams will play on Monday evenings, Co-Ed teams on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Registration will be open Dec. 16-March 31 (or until filled) and taken on a first paid basis.
***Please note that while divisional preferences will be considered, there is no guarantee of placement in that division. All efforts will be made to meet preferences but discretion on scheduling and divisions is responsibility of Athletics Coordinator.***
***Please note: No refunds will be given after schedule is set.***
Age Category
Bellingham Public Schools