How to Stay Fit During Winter

Dress in layers that are easy to take on and off and made of sweat resistant materials. Having drenched clothes mixed with a wind chill is a recipe for spending the next few days sick in bed, so wear the proper attire. It's important to still use sunscreen if you plan to stay active outdoors. The snow reflects the sun's rays, keep your skin protected.

Invest in Fitness DVD's

An exercise DVD makes it easier to exercise at any time, any season. Research some DVDs online and find the type of exercise you would like to do at home. If you have a limited space, try a Yoga or Pilates DVD because it involves a lot of mat work, which is great for apartment living. If you have more space, try a Zumba fitness DVD or even a full body workout that incorporates strength training and plyometrics. Find what type of workout works for you, in the space that you have available. Many libraries carry exercise DVDs that you can rent out, so call your local library and see what they have available.

Prevent Getting Sick

The more fit you are, the less likely you are to get sick during the winter. It's no surprise that colder weather brings runny noses and winter coughs. Keep yourself moving, put the right foods into your body and make sure you continue your healthy lifestyle to prevent you from contracting any illness. No one wants to spend the holidays stuck in bed, so burn those calories, even if they seem frozen.

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Alana Michelle Brager is a fitness and fashion enthusiast who shares her healthy and fashion forward fitness tips on her blog, "A Fashionably Fit Lifestyle" ( She currently lives in Los Angeles, California and writes for the websites and

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