The Best Quiet Treadmill: Level Up Your Workout, Not Your Decibels

woman running on treadmilll

While there are many things to consider when buying a treadmill, an often overlooked yet important factor is the amount of noise it makes while you're using it. Not only will your neighbors or other household members thank you for choosing the best quiet treadmill, but you'll also be able to get into the zone and focus on your workout.

But trying to find the quietest treadmill on the market is no easy feat. Especially if you're looking for one that is compatible with training apps among other features. Not to mention, you may need all of this in a treadmill for under $1,000 or you might consider a higher-priced treadmill that checks all your boxes. We’ve compiled a well-rounded list of our top choices—that way you can find the best quiet treadmill to suit your needs.

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The Best Quiet Treadmill - Our Top Picks

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Best Overall Quiet Treadmill - NordicTrack Commercial 1750

NordicTrack 1750 Treadmill


  • Dimensions: 80"L x 38"W x 65"H
  • Weight: 340 lbs.
  • Weight capacity: 300 lbs.


The NordicTrack Commercial 1750 treadmill has all the bells and whistles and has Quiet Drive Incline Tech to keep the noise at a minimum. The Quiet Drive keeps the motor quiet even as you, or the AutoAdjust Technology, changes the incline and decline. Speaking of incline and decline, you can increase the incline up to 15% or the decline to -3%.

The low-sitting deck allows you to get on and off the machine seamlessly, and it folds for easy storage. It's also cushioned, which can help ease the impact on your joints and softens the noise your favorite running shoes make with each stride. If you choose to utilize iFit for training, you can connect your headphones via Bluetooth to avoid noise from the built-in speakers.

What We Like

  • Powerful, quiet 3.5 CHP (continuous horsepower) motor
  • Cushioned deck helps soften noise and impact on joints
  • Free 30-day iFit membership
  • 14" HD touchscreen can turn and pivot
  • Foldable

What We Don't Like

  • Machine may be hard for some users to maneuver
  • Warranty is nullified if you keep it in your garage

BUY: NordicTrack Commercial 1750

Best Budget Quiet Treadmill - Horizon Fitness T101

Horizon Fitness T101 Treadmill


  • Dimensions: 71"L x 34"W x 57"H
  • Weight: 180 lbs.
  • Weight capacity: 300 lbs.


Regardless if you have a tight budget or you're a beginner runner who isn't quite ready to commit to a treadmill with all the frills, the Horizon Fitness T101 is an excellent choice that's good for your wallet. That doesn't mean you're missing out on features that make this a quiet treadmill, like a cushioned deck. In fact, this treadmill has a 3-Zone Variable Response Cushioning System that provides the right amount of support for your joints and flexibility to absorb the noise from impact.

The quiet motor most certainly helps with the noise as well, and it also runs on lower RPMs (rotations per minute) keeping the motor cool for long periods. If you're following a workout on a running app, you can easily adjust the speed and incline using the dials on the handlebars.

What We Like

  • Bluetooth connectivity allows you to connect your headphones
  • Built-in device holder
  • Rapid-charge USB can charge your device
  • Sturdy frame and hydraulic folding system

What We Don't Like

  • USB charger may need additional adapters for charging depending on the device
  • Deck may be too small for taller users with a larger stride

BUY: Horizon Fitness T101

Best Quiet Folding Treadmill - Sole Fitness F65

Sole Fitness F65


  • Dimensions: 82"L x 37"W x 66"H
  • Weight: 262 lbs.
  • Weight capacity: 325 lbs.


The Sole Fitness F65 treadmill is an excellent option if you need the ability to fold and store it. All you have to do is flip a switch and the deck folds up slowly and locks into place. If you have a larger stride, don't let the folding deck deter you. It's actually 60 inches long and 22 inches wide which is suitable for walkers and runners alike.

Even though this is a quiet treadmill, it has a 3.25 CHP (continuous horsepower) motor that quietly handles speeds up to 12 miles per hour and inclines 15 levels. While the display is a little lackluster in comparison to other treadmills, there's a tablet holder to watch your favorite show or follow along with a workout. The speakers can stream your playlist thanks to Bluetooth, and there's a USB port for charging.

What We Like

  • Great value for all the features offered
  • Folds up and down automatically
  • Cushioned deck helps soften noise and impact on joints
  • Larger deck is suitable for those with a bigger stride

What We Don't Like

  • Can't download other programs directly to the treadmill
  • Display is small and shows just the basics

BUY: Sole Fitness F65

Best Small Quiet Treadmill - Echelon Stride

Echelon Stride


  • Dimensions: 69"L x 31"W X 49"H
  • Weight: 156 lbs.
  • Weight capacity: 300 lbs.


The footprint of the Echelon Stride treadmill is just 69 inches long, 31 inches wide, and 49 inches tall making it the smallest treadmill on this list. It has an auto-fold feature so it doesn't take up any valuable space when not in use. It's light as well, all 156 pounds make it very maneuverable.

While the motor is slightly less powerful than others we've seen, it's very quiet thanks to the cushioned deck made with rubber to absorb impact. It also has a composite frame that makes the construction sturdy and helps shield noise. Even though the display includes the speed, incline, and other basics there is a smart device holder you can use to follow along with Echelon's live or on-demand classes.

What We Like

  • Folds flat against the frame
  • Can sync with the Echelon United app
  • Inclines up to 12% and has a max speed of 12 mph

What We Don't Like

  • Motor may not be suitable for long, fast runs
  • 20" deck width may not be wide enough for all users

BUY: Echelon Stride

Best Quiet Treadmill for Walking - NordicTrack EXP 7i

Nordictrack Exp 7i


  • Dimensions: 77.3"L x 35.3"W x 59.6"H
  • Weight: 222 lbs.
  • Weight capacity: 300 lbs.


The NordicTrack EXP 7i is an excellent option if your primary purpose is to walk. No need to worry if you get carried away and want to go for a light jog though since this treadmill can go up to 12 miles per hour. The deck has FlexSelect Cushioning, which engages dampeners to soften the force and sound of each stride. It also has a SMART-Response Motor that is built to reduce vibration, making it a great choice if you need to use it in a shared space.

Given that it comes equipped with a seven-inch HD touchscreen, this treadmill is offered at a great value. The screen can be synced with your iFit membership as soon as you activate the free 30-day trial. You can choose the setting you want to be displayed throughout your walk or run from the mountains to the beach, and your treadmill will make speed and incline adjustments automatically based on your workout.

What We Like

  • Great value for all the features offered
  • Folds up for easy storage
  • Cushioning helps lessen noise and impact on joints
  • Automatically adjusts incline and speed to your workout

What We Don't Like

  • Screen is on the smaller side
  • Auto adjust technology can only be used with an iFit subscription

BUY: NordicTrack EXP 7i

Best Quiet Treadmill for Running - Sole Fitness ST90

Sole Fitness ST90


  • Dimensions: 70"L x 33.5"W x 65"H
  • Weight: 376 lbs.
  • Weight capacity: 330 lbs.


The uniquely designed Sole Fitness ST90 treadmill has a slat belt design that makes the running surface smooth and quiet. That's because the rubber slats offer a thick landing pad and have fewer springs. The sturdy frame certainly helps reduce the noise as well, but at 376 pounds you'll need a permanent place for this treadmill since it's not exactly mobile.

If you aren't subscribed to a running program, this treadmill comes equipped with standard, custom, and heart rate-focused programs built in. If you decide to enhance your workout with the Studio app designed by Sole Fitness, you'll see real-time data and more on the ten-inch screen.

What We Like

  • Has a higher weight capacity than other treadmills
  • Bluetooth speaker compatible
  • Built-in programming
  • Sturdy frame
  • 10" touchscreen and an integrated tablet holder

What We Don't Like

  • Chest strap to measure heart rate not included
  • 5-year extended warranty is expensive
  • Heavy

BUY: Sole Fitness ST90

Best Quiet Treadmill for Home Use - Echelon Stride-5s

Echelon Stride-5s


  • Dimensions: 81"L x 36"W x 63"H
  • Weight: 315 lbs.
  • Weight capacity: 400 lbs.


If you plan on frequent home use we recommend the Echelon Stride-5s treadmill. The deck has a cushioned suspension and steel frame that is designed to absorb impact and minimize sound. The built-in fan blows quietly to keep you cool throughout your workout, and you can join live or on-demand workout classes with a subscription to the Echelon app.

Sometimes working out at home means doing so when no one is around, which is why we like that this treadmill has multiple safety features. The rear-frame safety bar protects objects from pulling under, and there is a safety stop lanyard and emergency stop button.

What We Like

  • Cushioning helps lessen noise and impact on joints
  • 24"HD touchscreen
  • Multiple safety features
  • 16 incline levels

What We Don't Like

  • Does not fold
  • Speed increases in small intervals which may delay workout intensity

BUY: Echelon Stride-5s

Benefits of Quiet Treadmills

Aside from the obvious benefits the people surrounding you will get from not hearing you crank through your workout, a quiet treadmill can help you focus as well. That means, being able to hear your instructor-led programming, show, podcast, or whatever you indulge in while exercising. Plus, you can hear noises around you so you don't have to worry about missing that package you were expecting.

What to Look for in a Quiet Treadmill

Cushioned Deck

This plays a huge role in the amount of noise your treadmill makes since the cushioning is meant to soften the sound your shoe makes when it comes in contact with the belt. It's also meant to lessen the pressure on your joints, which can make your walking or running more comfortable.

Sturdy Base and Stabilizers

A steel frame serves as a sturdy base preventing shaking and shifting during use. The quietest treadmills will also have floor stabilizers which add extra stability even during your toughest runs.

Bluetooth Connectivity

Using the built-in speakers on your treadmill is a great option, but if you're trying to cut down the noise, choose one that you can connect to your Bluetooth headphones. That way, you don't have to miss out on any cues from your machine or worry about those pesky wires from using the headphone jack (yes, some treadmills still come with these).

FAQs About Quiet Treadmills

How do you reduce noise when walking on a treadmill?

If you get a treadmill with a cushioned belt and sturdy frame you'll hear minimal noise while walking.

Can you make a treadmill quieter?

Getting a rubber mat underneath your treadmill is helpful and choosing one with Bluetooth capabilities versus using the built-in speakers keeps noise to a minimum.

How many decibels is a treadmill?

The decibels produced by a treadmill depend on the speed, and typically higher speeds will produce more noise. However, the decibels vary based on the deck features, frame, motor, and other factors.

About the Author

rachael gonzalez

Rachael Gonzalez

Rachael Gonzalez is a Staff Writer for ACTIVE. She spent five years in education before she joined the ACTIVE team in 2022. In this role, she is still able to make a positive impact on others by writing about something she loves: health and wellness.

See More from Rachael

Rachael Gonzalez is a Staff Writer for ACTIVE. She spent five years in education before she joined the ACTIVE team in 2022. In this role, she is still able to make a positive impact on others by writing about something she loves: health and wellness.

See More from Rachael

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