About this event
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T-Ball teams are coed and recommended for 4-6 year olds (Must be 4 by Jan 1, 2025). Games are typically on Sundays in Eagle, Palmyra & Bennet. T-shirt and hat is included with Registration.
Depending on your childs ability, the coaches have the option to pitch before using the tee. We make every attempt to coach to your players' ability.
This league is for fun and everybody wins. The parents and grandparents are the most fun spectators to watch!
It is highly recommended that participants provide their own batting helmet and bat.
REMINDER: We will collect a volunteer deposit of $50 per kid when we hand out uniforms. Please bring a check for $50 per kid to receive your uniform. This will be returned to you when you volunteer for one fireworks stand shift and/or 2 concessions stand shifts per kid. If you choose not to volunteer we will cash your check at the end of the season.
January 07 - February 28, 2025
10:00 PM
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday