February 01, 2025
SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION - Saturday STEM - Biomedical & Surgical Explorations (Grades 6-8)
Carlinville Area Hospital & Clinics 20733 N. Broad St. Carlinville, IL 62626 Organized by Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
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About this event
Be sure to log into your account to download, complete, and/or submit (by uploading a JPEG or PDF image of the completed forms to your account) these forms to IMSA: 1. Scholarship Eligibility: To qualify for a scholarship, the student’s family is required to submit proof of financial eligibility: if you qualify for SNAP or Free/Reduced Lunch, you qualify, but we need you to submit proof of eligibility in these programs. If you do not have a form in your possession or have difficulty getting it from your school or IDHS, you may submit a screenshot showing eligibility. Please contact us at studentenrichment@imsa.edu if you have difficulty with this requirement. Alternatively, a 2022 or 2023 state or federal tax return showing proof of family income may be submitted (first page only). 2. Student Essay (Have your student complete this online). Essay Question: Please explain in at least one paragraph why you want to participate in this program. (1,000 character limit).
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