Make Plates! - Martha Downer
CAC Enameling Studio 135 Chastain Park Avenue, NW Atlanta, GA 30342 Organized by City of Atlanta Department of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural AffairsAbout this event
MAKE PLATES!/ Martha DownerTuesdays from 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Jan 14 - Mar 117 weeks*NO CLASS 2/11 & 3/4
Class Fee: $230
In this class students will learn and build upon basic skills to make a set of 6 plates using fused glass techniques. Our goal is to make one plate per week as well as one small additional item 5" or smaller. Most supplies will be provided, but participants are welcome to provide their own additional glass, provided that it is COE 90.
Supplies to bring to class: Elmer's glue (white or gel), Super glue (not gel and not instant), Bullseye Straightedge
If you would like to enroll after the registration window has closed, please email
Activity Sub-Category
Art - Jewelery
CAC Enameling Studio at Chastain Arts Center and Gallery
Martha Downer