Italian for Beginners w/Leonarda
Palm Beach Central High School 8499 W. Forest Hill Blvd Wellington, FL 33411 Organized by SDPBC | Adult and Community EducationAbout this event
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Italian, like any language, is largely governed by rules. The fastest way to master a language is by learning the rules. In the beginners class we'll take you step by step through all the essentials-providing you with a firm foundation for future progress. Starting with the alphabet, numbers, days of the week, months, shopping, travel, verbs, and sentences with little dialogue. The course is designed to be accessible for the absolute beginner, but even if you know quite a lot of the Italian already, you'll find it an excellent refresher exercise. Each class lays out clearly stated objectives. Explanations are in English to begin with, and then Italian gradually takes over.
PBCHS Bldg 6 Room 103 at Palm Beach Central High School
Leonarda Mangiola