1.0-1.9 Tennis Lessons ISP Winter
Indian School Park & Tennis Center 4289 N Hayden RD Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Organized by City of Scottsdale Community Services DivisionAbout this event
This is a 1.0-1.9 NTRP rated adult tennis lesson. This is a adult beginner tennis lesson. No rating required for registration. Rating levels will be verified. There is a $10 fee for any lesson withdrawal. A pro-rated credit will be issued up to and including the second lesson only; no refunds after the second lesson are issued. Participants must wear close-toed, athletic shoes. Tennis racquet preferred, however racquets are available for check-out at the tennis center. Check in at the front desk for lesson court assignment. Please contact ISP at ISPLeagues@ScottsdaleAZ.gov with questions regarding this lesson.
1.0-1.9 Tennis Lessons ISP Winter #46641
January 05 - April 12, 2025
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday