Astronomy Talk
Pinnacle Peak Park 26802 N 102nd WAY Scottsdale, AZ 85262 Organized by City of Scottsdale Community Services DivisionAbout this event
Internet Registration has not begun yet. Check Registration Dates in details.
Participants are invited to enjoy a beautiful desert evening under the stars and learn about some of the objects visible in the night sky. NASA Solar System Ambassador, Mark Johnston (Instagram: @azastroguy), will highlight the evening’s visible objects, including planets, multiple star systems, globular clusters and nebulae through a high-end refractor telescope, while providing a running commentary and fielding questions from the group. Beginners are welcome as the explanations will be kept at a novice level. No hiking is required. Participants are encouraged to bring binoculars, small penlight flashlight and a folding chair for seating. Program duration is approximately 1.5 hours.
***Event is held in the parking lot of Pinnacle Peak Park***26802 N. 102 WayScottsdale, AZ 85262Age Category