Monthly Social: Whose Nose Knows?
Mayfair Community Center • 2039 Kammerer Avenue San Jose, CA 95116 Organized by City of San Jose Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services DepartmentAbout this event
We're sorry, but this activity is over. The last meeting was Tuesday, February 25, 2025.
Think you know smells? Join us to find out in a game of guessing the different mystery scents that could range from various fruits to spices/plants. There will also be small snack and beverage provided.
Participants must be able to participate in a 1:8 staff to participant ratio and be able to attend to their own personal care needs or have an attendant present. This program is designed for persons with disabilities but, anyone may join.
Please note if participants have any sensitivity to certain smells to notify specialist and staff to avoid contact with product(s).
Caregivers/Guardians of participants do not need to register if just accompanying.
Community Center
Mayfair Community Center
Washington Room
City Of San Jose Staff
Age and Gender
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