Robb Field Fitness Club February 2025 1/2 Month Pass
Robb Athletic Field Recreation Center 2525 Bacon St San Diego, CA 92107 Organized by City of San Diego Parks and Recreation DepartmentAbout this event
We're sorry, but Internet registration is not allowed for this activity.
The Robb Fitness Club is a state-of-the-art municipal exercise and training facility located at the San Diego Park and Recreation Department's Robb Athletic Field in the community of Ocean Beach. Available equipment includes: Free weights, universal machines, kettle bells, treadmills, Lifecycles, rowing machines, yoga mats, pilates balls, punching bags and a variety of other training equipment. Showers not available.
Hours are limited, please see posted hours. Gym pass is not pro-rated for the month, only valid until the end of the month.
Must be 18 or over. Please see office staff for more information.
Please sign up at Robb Field office. Staff will make you a monthly card to post in the weight room. A towel is mandatory for workout.
Activity Age Category
Weight Room
City Staff