Beaver Lake Triathon 2025
Beaver Lake 25201 SE 24th Street Sammamish, WA 98075 Organized by Sammamish RunningAbout this event
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Race starts promptly at 8 am at the Beaver Lake beach front (by the Beaver Lake Pravillion). Join us for the Beaver Lake Triathlon 1/4 mile lake swim, 13.4 mile bike and 4.3 mile run. All registered athletes receieve an authentic long sleeve Beaver Lake Triathlon 2025 technical T-Shirt and a Beaver Lake Triathlon coaster, Cliff Bar and gel pack. All finishers received custom designed medalion. Cash awards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd male/non-binary and female (cash prizes). The race is chip timed. Para Discipline athletes are welcome. Pick up chip and race pack Saturday August 23, 2025, 4 pm PDT race at Sammamish Landing - Pasta Feed and snacks. Beaver Lake Experience starting at 4 pm. Safety briefing Thursday August 21, 2025, 7 pm PDT Live Stream.
Event details and schedule
Race starts promptly at 8 am. There is plenty of parking in the Beaver Lake Parking lot. Bathroom facilities are located by the parking lot. All bikes must be be racked before taking off helmet and all bike ends must have plugs. We will have police officer directing traffic as well as flaggers on the bike coures. We will have several life guards in the water. CPA/first aid will be on the course. The Bike course will have four waters stations 1 mile, 6 miles, 12 miles, finish. The run will have three waters stations. 1 mile, 2 mile, and finish. Pizza and snacks will be on Saturday August 23, 2025, 4 pm PDT at Sammamish Landing for race packet pickup. Beaver Lake Experience starts at 4 pm at Sammamish Landing. There is plent of parking along Lake Sammamish Parkway.
Triathlon-Sprint - Beaver Lake Triathlon - Full 1/4S, 13.4B, 4.3R
Triathlon-Sprint - Relays - 1/4S - 13.4B - 4.3R ($35 entry per leg)
Triathlon-Sprint - Splash n Dash 7-15 years old (100 meter Swim, 2mi Run)
Triathlon-Sprint - Sponsorship
11 Photos and Videos