Babysitting & Child Safety - closed duplicate
Red Mountain Center 7550 E Adobe St Mesa, AZ 85207 Organized by City of MesaAbout this event
This activity is closed to further registration.
Registration fee: $12 Mesa resident/$14 non-resident. INSTRUCTOR FEE DUE FIRST DAY: $40.
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to confidently care for infants and school age children. Participants will learn how to respond to emergencies and illness with first aid and all of the babysitting basics. Students will receive a Babysitters Certification Card good for 2 years. Students will receive class supplies: Gloves, Workbook, hands on mannequin practice, interactive learning and more! Students should bring a non perishable snack to training. Mask must be worn and social distancing observed.
Activity Secondary Category
All Ages
Red Mountain Center
Barb Kenney