Intergenerational: Save the Earth, Save the Future
North Laurel 50+Center 9411 Whiskey Bottom Road Laurel, MD 20723 Organized by Howard County GovernmentAbout this event
We're sorry, but Internet registration is not available for this activity. Please contact us during regular business hours for registration information.
Come join the North Laurel Preschoolers for a fun and beneficial walk that will help save the future of our earth. Assist the preschoolers as they learn about the importance of keeping our community clean, by picking up trash that is scattered around the outside of the North Laurel Community Center building. Please be sure to dress accordingly. Program will be contingent upon weather conditions.PLEASE NOTE: This sign-up is for 50+ members to work with the existing pre-school students already registered at North Laurel Community Center.
Please sign-up at the 50+ center front desk or by calling 410-313-0380.
Age Group/Camp
Adults 50+
North Laurel 50+ Center