Adult Exercise Monday February 17, 10:00am-10:55am
Culver City Plunge • 4175 Overland Culver City, CA 90230 Organized by City of Culver City Parks, Recreation and Community ServicesAbout this event
We're sorry, but this activity is over. The last meeting was Monday, February 17, 2025.
A Low-impact water exercise class in shallow water; ideal for all fitness levels, including non-swimmers, and anyone recovering from injuries. The class will be offered Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00-10:55am. Participation is limited so participants must pre-register.
Adult Exercise Course Guidelines Adult Exercise Course Guidelines
- All participants are to follow the coached workout.
- If accommodations are needed, please consult with instructor prior to class to discuss the best possible way if possible, to achieve them.
- Lockers, indoor and outdoor showers, and changing rooms will be available for use; be responsible for all personal items and do not leave or store any personal possessions at City facilities overnight
- Properly utilize public restrooms and refrain from making a mess of City facilities
- Participants must be considerate and treat others with civility, courtesy, and respect, conduct activities in a sportsmanship-like fashion by practicing fairness and honesty at all times, be calm and patient and refrain from using abusive, obscene, threatening, harassing, insulting, or suggestive language with Participants or staff.
- Do not engage in (or threaten) physical violence in any formBe properly clothed at all times: swimsuit while in the pool and on deck, shirt/top with pants/skirt and shoes/sandals while in lobby-DO NOT CHANGE CLOTHING WHILE ON DECK!
- Do not consume, be under the influence or in possession of, alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs, or be in possession of weapons of any kind
- Do not smoke. Smoking is prohibited within Culver City facilities
- Should a participant not abide by the above, the instructor and the City of Culver City reserves the right to ask the participant to leave the class.
The Plunge
City Recreation Staff
Age and Gender
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