Coopersburg 5K Run for Pulmonary Fibrosis 2025
Coopersburg Borough Hall 5 North Main Street Coopersburg, PA 18036 Organized by Wescoe Foundation for Pulmonary FibrosisAbout this event
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We’re proud to provide our community with both a great live and virtual active event! Our Coopersburg 5K promotes fun and wellness while raising awareness and support that celebrates our incredible pulmonary fibrosis community.
Event details and schedule
Arrival Time: We recommend that you plan to arrive in Coopersburg early enough to allow adequate time to park should some designated parking areas be full.
IMPORTANT: Coopersburg streets will be blocked with barriers to all traffic beginning at 7:45 am.
Line-up is at 8:00 a.m. The official start time is 8:10 a.m. on Main Street in Coopersburg. See RACE MAP. All ages and abilities are welcome. It’s your choice to run, jog or walk (please no bicycles, roller blades or scooters) for 3.1 miles.
Location: The event starts and finishes on Main Street in Coopersburg, PA (see race map). The 5K route is on a scenic loop course through the historical district of Coopersburg Borough. You will pass by The Cooper Mansion, “The Big Red Barn”, as well as Coopersburg’s beautiful residential areas. Slight hills are characteristic. The final stretch is down Locust Street onto Main Street. There is plenty of room along the route for family and friends to cheer participants. Bring your megaphones and poms poms to cheer on the runners.
Fee: Cost is $30 per person; families who register more than 3 participants will receive a $10 discount for each family member registered thereafter. All school running clubs will receive $10 discount per runner. You will need verification of membership (e.g. school/coach roster). Kids Fun Run Cost: Ages 2-8 years $10 / Ages 8 and up $30. Registration form must be postmarked by Friday, May 9th. After Friday, MAY 9, the fee is $38. Race day registration will be accepted until 7:15 a.m. Sorry, no guarantee of packet materials or tee-shirt for those registering after May 9th. MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: Wescoe Foundation for Pulmonary Fibrosis or WFPF.Online registration is available at: www.wescoe.org; www.active.com (Closes on Wednesday, 5.21.2025).
Refreshments: Carbohydrates and goodies galore will be available at the finish by Stephens Funeral Home. There will be 2 water stations along the route.
Split Time: Will be respectively yelled at 1 mile in the 5K race.
Aid Stations: Water stations along race route. See race map.
First-Aid Staff will be available on site.
Parking: No parking will be allowed along the race route. Please park on the side streets adjacent to the race route or in designated parking areas-see race route map.
Awards and Results:Official results will be available on Coopersburg.org website the day after the event. Awards Ceremony will follow the finish at approximately 9:15 a.m. on the front steps of the Health and Wellness Expo at Coopersburg Village Center. Special 1st Place Awards will be given to the overall male and female winners of the 5K, in addition to $100 purse for winner for male, female and masters level (40 & above). No double winners. Medallions will be presented to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers in each age division. Lastly, we will be giving medallions to all youth runners from 15 years of age and under.
Men Women
11 & under 11 & under
12-15 12-15
16-19 16-19
20-24 20-24
25-29 25-29
30-34 30-34
35-39 35-39
40-44 (Masters Level: 40 & above) 40-44 (Masters Level: 40 & above)
45-49 45-49
50-54 50-54
55-59 55-59
60-64 60-64
65-69 65-69
70+ 70+
Timing will be provided by Pretzel Sports Timing.The Coopersburg 5K will be using the detachable slips from your race number for race times. Be sure to remove your detachable slip and give to volunteers after you cross the finish line.
Sure to be a favorite tee-shirt: Long sleeve with this year’s specially designed emblem will be guaranteed to those who have registered prior to Friday, May 9, 2025.
Early Packet pick-up is highly recommended! The packets, including your shirt, race bib number, pins, race map and Goodie Bag may be picked up between 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. on Friday, May 23, 2025, at Coopersburg Borough Hall, corner of Main & State Streets.
On race morning: Packet pick up will be at Coopersburg Borough Hall at 6:30 a.m.-7:45 a.m. TO AVOID CONGESTION, PLEASE PICK UP YOUR PACKET ON FRIDAY, MAY 23, 2025.
Additional events:
Kids’ Fun Run: A 600 meter dash from the 5K start to finish at Coopersburg Village Shopping Center. Cost: Ages 2-8 years $10 / Ages 8 and up $30. You can get information packet and registration form at www.wescoe.org. Online registration is available at: www.wescoe.org; www.active.com (Closes on Wednesday, 5.21.25).
Health and Wellness Expo (7.30-10:30 am) held before and after the 5K Run on E. State Street (next to Coopersburg Borough Hall) parking lot with local businesses and hospitals promoting health and wellness in our community. Check out www.wescoe.org to get more information.
Cheering Sections: There will 3 cheering sections:
ZONE 1: Main Street to State St.
ZONE 2: State Street to Linden St.
ZONE 3: Linden St. to Main St. (Finish Line)
For further information contact Jennifer Wescoe at 484.553.6340; (hours: 9 am-3 pm, Mon.-Fri.), e-mail: jennifer@wescoe.org. Online registration is available at: wescoe.org and active.com (active.com will close on Wednesday, May 21, 2025)
Proceeds benefit Wescoe Foundation for Pulmonary Fibrosis.
Wescoe Foundation for Pulmonary Fibrosis (WFPF) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides support, education, advocacy and resources for patients living with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), their families and care partners, in order to sustain the highest possible quality of life. Learn more about our mission and programs at Wescoe Foundation by visiting our website at www.wescoe.org. Wescoe Foundation for Pulmonary Fibrosis was founded in memory of Ron Wescoe, who succumbed to this serious, incurable lung disease in 2004.
What is Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)?
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis is a very rare lung disease with no known cause or cure. It is a progressive and irreversible disease characterized by scarring in the lungs and eventually patients have trouble breathing, even at rest, and must rely on oxygen therapy.
Coopersburg 5K Run - Individual Age group/open
Kids' Fun Run - Individual Age group/open
Running-5K - Individual Age group/open
8 Photos and Videos