Aquatic Center: Family Season Pass Residents Only
City of Chandler Parks and Recreation PO Box 4008, MS 906 Chandler, AZ 85244 Organized by City of Chandler Parks and RecreationAbout this event
A family season pass is a great way to spend your summer in Chandler at all six award winning aquatic centers. Family season passes are good March - October and are a steal at $112 for a family of four (4) and $15 for each additional member (enter the number of passes to assess the additional member fee at time of purchase). The Family Season Pass will only be allowed for use during Public Swim Hours. Pass cannot be used during Lap Swim Hours. Only sold to Chandler residents. Please bring a valid ID, current utility bill or business license to the aquatic center to verify residency on your first visit. A staff person will take your photo and provide a permanent membership fob. You can also download any bar code scanning app, such as CardStar, scan the barcode printed on your receipt and use your smartphone to check-in instead of a membership fob. Not a Chandler resident? Punch passes are available for children and adults for 5, 20 & 30 visits.
Maximum passes
March 16 - October 26, 2024
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday