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March 02, 2025

Monotype Workshop: 3 Colors, 3 Layers, 3 Shapes

Kala Gallery and Classroom • 2990 San Pablo Avenue BerkeleyCA  94702 Organized by Kala Art Institute

About this event

This workshop covers the basic steps of how to make multi-layered monotypes using a printing press. Keeping things simple, we will use a 3 x 3 x 3 format: three colors, three layers and three shapes. Participants will make their own stencils of simple shapes from Duralar film (a more versatile alternative to acetate). Using brayers to roll non-toxic water soluble block ink onto plexiglass plates, participants will roll out a different color for each of the three-layers. The magic happens as we build up the layers of color over the stenciled shapes. No previous printmaking experience is needed for this introductory workshop. Accessibility - This class takes place in the San Pablo Community Classroom, located on the first floor. Please email classes@kala.org regarding any  accessibility needs prior to enrolling so we can assess if we are able to accommodate you safely and efficiently.

Age and Gender

Ages 18-99


Kala Gallery and Classroom

2990 San Pablo Avenue BerkeleyCA  94702

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