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June 16 - 20, 2025

Chess: Beginner and Intermediate

Earhart Elementary School • 400 Packet Landing Road AlamedaCA  94502 Organized by Alameda Education Foundation Save up to $10 on this event with ACTIVE Advantage!
Register now From $235.00

About this event

This combination beginner and intermediate level summer camp will cover/review chess basics (chessboard terminology and square identification; how the various pieces move and capture, plus their relative values; pawn promotion; the crucial concepts of check, checkmate, and stalemate; the special move of castling; opening goals and principles; basic endgame checkmates using major pieces; and last, but not least, good chess etiquette) on a class-wide basis or individually during supervised play as needed. Instruction will otherwise focus on learning tactics and strategy through the explanation of games and positions from historical players and events, and/or current top-level competitions. AEF/ACC chess camps are a mix time-wise of instruction and supervised play. The instructor will organize and run an unofficial tournament during the week at their discretion (if/when enough campers are able to play a full game), with labeled medals as awards for all participants upon completion. With its nearly 1,500 years of history, chess is arguably the greatest and most popular board game of all time. Numerous studies have suggested that learning and playing chess at an early age can yield various benefits regarding cognitive skills. Confidence, decision-making, and sportsmanship are other areas of potential improvement. The benefits and enjoyment of chess can last a lifetime!


June 16 - 20, 2025

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

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Earhart Elementary School

400 Packet Landing Road AlamedaCA  94502

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June 16 - 20, 2025

Chess: Beginner and Intermediate

Earhart Elementary School • 400 Packet Landing Road AlamedaCA  94502 Organized by Alameda Education Foundation Save up to $10 on this event with ACTIVE Advantage!
Register now From $235.00